水光澤。黃金蠶絲化妝水⎮Gold silk protein Hydrating Toner
- Regular price
- NT$ 780.00
- Sale price
- NT$ 780.00
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NT$ 0.00
但痘痘肌的你 記得避開增稠劑配方的化妝水
使用原型的水 來做一場肌膚甦醒前導SPA吧!
清爽保濕前導液軟化角質, 感覺到的是清爽不黏膩,
水潤透亮: 補水,保濕,緊實的功效。使肌膚自然細緻,柔軟有彈性!
保濕鎖水: 天然海藻醣提供適度保濕力,避免肌膚水分流失,不乾澀不緊繃。
淨白肌膚: 新創因子拋光酵母成分改善暗沈,全方位淨白肌膚。
水光澤。黃金蠶絲維他命E精華 或 水光澤黃金蠶絲維他命E乳液 。
⎮容量⎮ 150ml. 早晚按壓各2-3下,可使用約60天。
Ensure your face is properly cleansed and prepped for moisturizing goodness with the Gold Silk Protein Hydrating Toner. This isn''t your average toner. Made with the antioxidant power of gold silk protein, this toner is exceptional at tightening pores, and improving the skin's PH balance.
The Gold Silk Protein Hydrating Toner should be an essential part of your skin healthcare routine. Use it to remove excess dirt, makeup and oil so you create a clean face before applying other skincare products. The Gold Silk Protein Hydrating Toner instantly energizes your face with noticeable skin-boosting results.No matter what type of skin type you have, the Gold Silk Protein Hydrating Toner is appropriate to use. Pregnant women can also use the Gold Silk Protein Hydrating Toner.Maximize the work of your moisturizer. Use the Gold Silk Protein Hydrating Toner to properly cleanse and prep your face every time.
· Gold silk protein refreshes and moisturizes.
· Natural trehalose hydrates the skin and functions as an antioxidant.
· Light and easy to apply never heavy or oily.
⎮How to Use ⎮
1. Cleanse the face.
2. Add a couple pumps of the Gold Silk Protein Hydrating Toner to a cotton pad.
3. Massage the cotton pad all over the face, jawline and neck.
4. Apply a moisturizer, like the Gold Silk Protein Lotion.Each package comes with 150ml. Use the Gold Silk Protein Hydrating Toner morning and night before you apply moisturizer.
Strengthen your skincare routine with the Gold Silk Protein Hydrating Toner. Shop now.

Q. Fluffy芙菲的黃金蠶絲蛋白是甚麼東西呢?
A. 蠶絲一直用於高級絲製品、食品等用品上,用在保養品上是一個新發現。
蠶絲蛋白親水性極佳 天然的調節因子,特佳的保濕性 防止肌膚水分流失,防止脫妝 形成肌膚保護膜。
Q. 黃金蠶絲蛋白是素食保養品?
A. 取自蠶寶寶的產物。 黃金蠶絲蛋白 主要是萃取 廢蠶絲 的蠶絲蛋白。
黃金蠶絲 又跟一般的蠶絲蛋白不同的是,它擁有獨特的金黃顏色,
Q. 保養步驟中,一定要用化妝水嗎?
A.看每個人的保養習慣。 化妝水,對很多朋友來說是前導液,軟化角質層的作用。
視每個人的保養狀況,可以比較 再使用化妝水後, 肌膚是否變得更好吸收和柔軟。